david WebAPI

The david WebAPI enables access to your david server via HTTPS protocol. A RESTFull API with a GraphQL extension is available. The connection is secured by oAuth2 with chayns® SSO authentication.

david  server connection

The david WebAPI reference is fully documented at david3.dev/API and will be updated with every single update. In addition to the documentation you can also test the API live on your david server. You have two options to do this.

  • You can test the REST API via the domain "[your_Server] / _ docs“ in connection with a Tobit Access Token.

  • The GraphQL interface is available over the playground, which can be accessed by "[your_Server] /v1.0/graph/_playground“.
You can view the URL from your david server below david administration „David -> Remote Access & Publishing -> david® WebAPI“. For testing the API activate the „Swagger Docu Provide“ switch.

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